Monday, May 14, 2012

AAYL That's entertainment.

2003. It's always from 2003. I could look at the two-hundred entries from 2003 and post only that year for the rest of my life. Like the Internet will exist for another two posts of grasshoppers, watermelons, green backs, centuries and so on and so forth, infinitum. 

Regardless, there's nothing new I have ready to post - except for maybe reviews of films I've seen lately from 2009, what's the point? They're all 'popular', 'tent pole', flicks, so again, what's the point? - so I'm going to stay in the past. The following piece is a metaphor, but the very smart among you already knew that. I also broke from protocol and attempted line breaks. Only in the future will I know what is a success. 

Please note: I mean, really, who cares if MI:4, Sherlock Holmes, Thor, Captain America, Tin Tin, Iron Man 2, The Hunger Games, and whatever, wherever, are any good? Tell me in 5 years time if you can remember the plots to any of these films...


Saturday 31st of May
What to do? Insult the audience, that act never gets old. That's what they're here for anyway. Kid, Philosophy and revisionism of history just don’t pull the crowds anymore. This scene has changed for the worst. These days you need a big bang and a big blow-off, otherwise you can't sell the product. "The product of information?" Don't be so fucking stupid, no-one cares about that old-world notion. We're in the new, new millennium. Get with it, or else risk going out with it. Do you want to be a drone, or do you want to drone with the biggest, brightest stars we've got? So there you go.

The key, most important words in the lexicon of human language begin with a 'g'. They begin but don't contain the letter. That fact is pertinent; do not forget it. And seeing we're onto the subject of facts, here's another one coming your way: don't believe any word that does contain the letter 'g'. Those are markers for your journey in life; they are a signifier for you to forget whatever the signifier is trying to transmit. Notice how none of the days of the week have that letter? Think about it.

Preach and desist! You don't educate the audience. You just need to fool them into thinking that they're thinking. Let me tell you a story. Whenever I shut my eyes images come to me. I see one hundred million dead children, all lined up in a row. I see great civilizations in ruins. I see planets and suns in the twilight of their existence. I see liars, murderers and whores propping up the history of man. I see hacked up bloody corpses of indistinguishable sex. I see dirty red smudges on the night sky. I see the moon and stars falling, burning everything in an ungodly fire. And then I open my eyes and I know that everything and everybody will be ok, if just for a little while. Now get out there and talk to the fucking audience.  

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